
Eugenie Cheon

About the Designer

Eugenie Cheon

Eugenie Cheon

// Born in Korea + Lived in Europe, US, Canada, China
= Third Culture Kid //

I’m an interdisciplinary designer, design-researcher, and educator who practices and develops design methods that are participatory, exploratory, and socially-oriented. I value experiential learning + (un)learning that emerges from diverse modes of making, thinking, and reflecting. My interest lies in challenging the current design paradigm with an intersectional lens to imagine new terrains of possibilities that cultivate relational and sustainable ways of being in the world. Design has a unique role to play in framing, reframing and shifting our perspectives to create alternative propositions for the complex problems we face.

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Design Students and Disability Alliance BC Community Members Co-Create in Online Collaboration, ECU


A Real-Life Design Challenge for ECU Students, Disability Alliance BC


Joy, Imperfection and Humanity in Design, ECU



Currently, teaching at Emily Carr University of Art + Design, my recent work includes collaboration with: multiple stakeholders in the healthcare sector, people with disabilities, immigrant & transcultural communities, start-ups and non-profit organizations amongst others. Before teaching, my work ranged from brand + marketing communication strategies, campaign designs, publications, digital + interactive media.

I hold a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Visual Studies & Fine Art History from the University of Toronto and a Master of Design from Emily Carr University of Art and Design. My master’s thesis won the Governor General’s Gold Medal Award and was exhibited in the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada, 107th conference.

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